Your New Opportunity For Free At Home Care
You are tired. Caring for a loved one with dementia is no joke. You are worried. Where is the money going to come from? Lifesavings almost exhausted. Maybe a home equity line of credit… maybe credit cards… how long can I keep putting one foot in front of the other? What to do? So many people saying so many different things… Take a break with the newspaper… Boring… What does any of this have to do with me? Nothing but bad news anyway… Maybe that lawyer guy always yapping about nursing homes and such has something to say…
Emergency Rules Effective “Until Further Notice”
April 1st Cut-Off Rescinded! Free At-Home Care For Middle Class Taxpayers
Nobody Wants To Be Institutionalized:
Basic Facts
Thirty-nine years as an attorney. Thirty-one years focused on estate planning and elder law. Helping thousands of families deal with Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body, Parkinson’s, ALS… Watching Dad cope with Mom’s vascular dementia and death. One year of pandemic lockdown. One year of unnecessary death. By “Executive Order.” Here is what I see:
Great! 40 years of ignoring regular folks…
Big shot lawyer-guy… What do they know?
What does he care?
Fact #1: Your husband, wife, mom, or dad does not want institutional care. Neither do you. You want to stay home. So do they.
Fact #2: Institutional Care is COVID-19 deadly. How deadly? Very. At least 70 times greater. But cooked books in New York means we do not know just how deadly.
Fact #3 Institutional Care is Expensive. Assisted Living is $4000-$6000 per month. Nursing Home is $10,0000-$15,000 per month.
Fact #4: Your family is going broke. Nursing Home Poverty.
Fact #5: Medicaid pays when you are broke. Busted. Played out. Sell the cottage. Cash in the CDs. Spend the savings. When your lifesavings are gone, you can share a room. Get a shower a week (whether you need it or not). Experience the adventure of group laundry. Listen to your roommate practice his Tiny Tim impression, Tiptoeing Through the Tulips. At Two in the morning.
Fact #6: You want to care for your loved one. “Richer or Poorer, Sickness or Health, Good times and Bad” “Honor your Father and Mother.” You take this family responsibility stuff seriously.
Fact #7: Caring for you will kill your spouse. Break up your kid’s marriage. Caring for your spouse will kill you. Caregivers die first 40-50% of the time.
Fact #8: You can fix all of this. It will not cost you your lifesavings. Or your home. Or the cottage. Or your business.
Fact #9: Most folks would rather suffer the consequences than call 800-317-2812. Or take any other positive action.
Fact #10: Refusing the help you have paid for with your taxes. That is the tragedy.
Sounds wonderful! Sure. What does that guy know about tragedy? That stuff never works anyway. Not for us. We just pay and pay.
Promises, Promises, I’m all through with promises, promises now… One foot in front of the other… It is getting worse…
Doesn’t recognize the kids anymore… Hardly knows who I am… But I can do this! It’ll be OK… Somehow.
You Need Help. But. The Care Is Too Damn Expensive!
Yes. Yes, it is. Care is expensive. Caregivers are difficult to find. The work is hard. The hours are long.
Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is the answer.
You or your loved one is safe at home, with family support. But you need care. Maybe not a lot, but more than a little. Just enough to keep you at home. That is where PACE comes in.
Compared to traditional, institutional care, PACE is a bargain. Much less expense. Meeting the need. Not so expensive. For the government. PACE is free to you.
Now: Expanded Eligibility
PACE is a privately run program. Paid for with your tax dollars. The tax dollars you contributed while working. The tax dollars that come out of every Social Security and pension check and IRA/401(k) distribution you receive. You have earned PACE.
But you must qualify. Maybe you have been told to sell the cottage. Or the farm. Or the hunting property. Maybe you have been told to “spend down.” No more CDs for you! Cash in those stocks and bonds. No security. Not for you. Not for your spouse. Not for your family. But…
Last year we reported good news about PACE. Emergency Rules. Eligibility expanded for thousands more families. Keep your life savings, cottage, farm, rental properties, business. Poverty is no longer required… provided you follow the complex rules. Care services are free. Keep your income. No co-pay. No doughnut hole. No other contribution.
Last year the State of Michigan said the special rules would expire in June. Then the State of Michigan said the COVID rules would expire in November. Then the State of Michigan said the emergency rules would expire in April. Getting dizzy yet?
Last week, the State of Michigan changed its mind again. Remember, these expanded rules have saved thousands of middle-class families like yours from nursing home poverty. Well, the State of Michigan said that these very beneficial rules would remain in effect, “UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE”!
Many Michigan families have already acted on this information. They are securing at-home care for their loved ones. PACE keeps them safe from the deadly COVID-19 virus stalking long-term care facilities.
Just like the government… keep changing things.
Do it this way, do it that way… Masks are awful… Masks are great… Six feet distance… Three feet distance…
Even if I try to go for that PACE thing, they’ll just change the rules again and we’ll be really be up a creek…
Still, might be nice to get some help… Wakes me up at all hours… Just wandering through the house…
How much more can I take? One foot in front of the other… So lonely…
Healthy Skepticism Or Deadly Doubt?
Many more families could benefit. But tragically, they cannot believe it is possible. Healthy skepticism hardens into stubborn rejection. Everyone suffers. Clinging to the idea that it is “too good to be true” or “fake news”? Pitiful. I’ve spoken to some folks who were uncertain and suspicious. Accurate information and proof beat unfounded fears every day. Fact: You do not have to accept nursing home poverty for yourself or your loved one.
Exactly… just a come-on. Fake news. Never works for real people. Can’t fool me with that too good to be true crap. What does a lawyer know about long-term care anyway? Shysters! What do they care? We won’t get fooled again…
Do You Or Your Loved One Qualify?
Answer Yes To 3 Questions:
1. Need help with activities of daily life? Memory problems? Oxygen therapy? Blindness? Dialysis? These are just a few of the many ways to qualify.
2. Are you safe at home?
3. Gross social security less than $2382? (Special rules for pension income.)
Let’s do the homework together. Most folks get large benefits. It costs nothing to find out.
Get Answers Now: 800-317-2812
Yeah, yeah… it’s dementia… Of course, we need help with daily routine… Of course, there are memory problems… not thinking straight… Still safe at home, as long as I’m around… I wish we
got that much social security! What’s a pension? “Large benefits” huh… I’m so sure… “Costs nothing” who believes that? It would be nice, though… Bah… nonsense!
Covid-19 Rule Changes Will Not Last
COVID-19 emergency rules are temporary. The benefits are permanent. When the emergency is over, these favorable rules will be gone. Of course, this may not be for you. Why not find out? Is it so bad to get back a little from the tax dollars you have paid? Call our Discovery Paralegal at 800-317-2812. Why not find out now?
Sure, it might be nice to get something back from taxes, but that is not how it works… $1400… whoop-de-do… We need real help, not window-dressing…
What Benefits Does Pace Provide?
Folks always want to know: What can PACE do for me? You have a team on your side. Your PACE team is doctors, therapists, dieticians, nurses, physician assistants, administrators. All work together to provide the best solution. Want more detail? You can receive:
• On-Site Physician/Medical Supervision
• Nursing Care
• Physical Therapy
• Occupational Therapy
• Recreational Therapy
• Activities and Exercise
• Breakfast, Lunch, Snack
• Nutritional Counseling
• Social Services
• Dental Care
• Audiology
• Optometry
• Podiatry
I bet it’s a dump, full of crazy people…
Medical Specialists
• Women’s Services
• Dentistry and Dentures
• Optometry and Eyeglasses
• Audiology and Hearing Aids
• Podiatry, Diabetic Shoes and Orthotics
• Cardiology
• Rheumatology
“Medical specialists!”
I bet there a bunch of hacks and quacks…
Outpatient Services
• Lab Tests
• Radiology
• X-Rays
• Outpatient Surgery
Sure, x-ray machine from when LBJ was president…
Surgery with rusty knives, I bet ya…
Primary Care Physician
• On call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Huh, 24/7… probably just an answering service…
I bet they “get back” to you next week, next month…
Home Health And Home Care Services
• Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living
• Physical and Occupational Therapy
• Personal Care
• Chore Services
• Meal Preparation
I bet they don’t really do all that stuff…
Inpatient Services
• Emergency Room Visits
• Hospitalizations
• Inpatient Specialist
• Skilled Inpatient Rehabilitation
I know they use the local hospital so that’s OK,
but I bet only the old, run-down parts of it…
Transportation Services
I bet they give you a used bicycle… Good Luck!
Prescriptions And Over-The-Counter Medications
I heard they have their own pharmacy… No co-pays. No record-keeping. No neighbor kids stealing our drugs off the front porch. Huh. Well, I bet there’s something wrong with it!
Family/Caregiver Support Services
• Respite Care and Caregiver Education
Rehab And Durable Medical Equipment
• Wheelchairs
• Walkers
• Oxygen
• Hospital Beds
• Diabetic Testing Supplies
• Adult Day Care
The Smiths used PACE…
they got brand-new equipment. Top notch stuff.
I bet that would not work for us…
What You Need To Do Now… While There Is Still Time Under The Covid Rules
Get the straight story. You do not need to prepare for the call. Call as you are. Very basic questions… you already know the answers… Your loved one is counting on you. Don’t let them down. It’s simple and free. Call 800-317-2812. Your Discovery meeting and Analysis meeting are waiting for you. Get it done.
What’s that they say in the casino and lottery commercials? “If YOU have a gambling problem, call the hotline etc, etc… Maybe I’m betting too much… Maybe I’m gambling with my loved one’s health and well-being… Maybe I’m gambling with my own health and well-being… Maybe I have a “gambling” problem… What was that number again?… 800-317-2812…
Hey! Old-fashioned toll-free…
Long-term care breaks the Michigan Middle-class. Destroys your peace of mind. Throws all your best-laid plans into confusion. Intimate, family relationships are strained, sometimes to the breaking point. Couples of 50,60,70 years separated as never before. LifePlanning™ preserves your lifesavings and protects what you deeply value. Security for you and your loved ones. That is what this is all about. And I explain how in our Workshops and Webinars. Recently, however, an older gentleman challenged me. “How do I know you deliver the security you talk about? What’s your guarantee? You lawyers don’t guarantee a darn thing. Humph!” I like a challenge. And that comment got me to thinking… Why not a Guarantee? We say we deliver security, peace of mind, a solid foundation for the future. That’s what thousands of clients over the last 31 years have said, too. But why not a GUARANTEE? So here is our totally scientific, iron-clad, super-duper paratrooper, no bones about it, tell us what you really think, Guarantee.
Peace Of Mind Is Our Stock In Trade
Sleep Like A Baby…
Walking On Sunshine
You Be The Judge!
Here’s How It Works
1. Come to a Workshop or Webinar.
2. Meet in person at one of our convenient offices or by ZOOM.
3. Working together, we devise a comprehensive LifePlanTM that meets your unique needs.
4. You retain us to implement your LifePlanTM.
5. When you take that first step on the LifePlanTM journey, each adult will receive:
a. A brand-new, FedEx-fresh from the factory, queen-size MyPillow®. Medium Firm. (Yes, these are the genuine article; the real McCoy! Accept No Substitutes!)
b. Deluxe Pillowcase(s) (Also new (what did you think?)).
6. Sleep on your new MyPillow while we draft and you review your LifePlanTM. Take careful note of the deeper, more restful and refreshing sleep you enjoy. (Is it the MyPillow or your progress to LifePlanTM security?
7. At one of our comfortable, homelike offices, your home, hospital, long-term care facility or such other place as may be convenient, create your LifePlanTM by signing a truly impressive array of documents.
8. Feel the calming waves of relief and security wash over you and your family.
9. Evaluate your sleep.
a. You will enjoy peaceful sleep unlike any other ever before!
b. Your LifePlanTM Peace of Mind will beat the MyPillow, hands down!
c. The calm invigoration of your LifePlanTM will make you feel like a new person!
d. As the lines of worry and anxiety fade from your face, your family and friends will accuse you of having had plastic surgery! Wow!
11. If your LifePlanTM does not “knit up the ravelled sleeve of care” (as Shakespeare said), simply let us know. You may have your choice of:
a. An electronic metronome; or
b. A white noise machine; or
c. A box of chamomile tea bags.
Now That’s A Guarantee!