Back To School — Not Just for Kids Anymore
New Lessons To Learn
The Times They Are A-Changin’
It’s that time of year again. You have been here before. New school year beginning. First day of kindergarten. First grade. High school. Going off to college. New shoes, new clothes. Very familiar. Totally strange. Will your child or grandchild be heading to the classroom or to the bedroom? Kitchen table? Teaching with live instructors surrounded by friends and other students? Or alone through a computer screen?
Hasn’t the first day of school always been a challenge? Parents concerned about how their kids will do in new situations. Kids worried about friends, classes, sports, fitting in. And now COVID-19. Masks all day long. How is that going to work? You expect that getting the younger kids to wear masks would be tough. What about the teenagers? Especially when they discover that continuous masking irritates the skin. And that means? The most dreaded teenager plague of all: acne. Has anyone thought this through?
Normal things you don’t do anymore: baseball, weddings, cook-outs.
Hasn’t it been a strange summer? Normal things you don’t do anymore: baseball games, weddings, cook-outs. Weird things you now do all the time: wear a surgical mask, quarantine, obsessive handwashing. Fall football? Maybe in the spring, they say.
The Medicine that Dare Not Speak Its Name
The Henry Ford Health System studies a possible medicine to combat COVID-19. Henry Ford discovers good news. Henry Ford is not a bit player. They are big time. Henry Ford is a “major academic medical center with more than $100 million in annual research funding, [and] is involved in numerous COVID-19 trials with national and international partners.” www. HenryFord.com Smart guys.
What did Henry Ford find? Only that use of this mystery drug cuts the COVID death rate in half. And it’s well-understood, generic, cheap, and widely available, with minimal side effects. Not unexpected for a drug that has been used worldwide by millions for over 75 years. Front page news? Medical Miracle? Game Changer? Nope. The wrong politician said it might be useful. So… political correctness hides the medicine that dare not speak its name. And lots of unnecessary deaths? Find out for yourself, it is easy. www.henryford.com/news/2020/07/ hydro-treatment-study
Strange times.
Founded on the Rock or Building on Sand?
Doctors finding remedies for deadly diseases are ignored. Are you okay with that? Rioters stop firefighters from fighting fires. Nodding in approval? Police officers are overrun with riots and looting. Feeling good? Courts and judges release accused criminals to commit more crime. Smiling yet?
Maybe we all need to go back to school. To relearn what we have always known.
Work hard. Save for a rainy day. Pay it forward. Lend a hand. Play by the rules. Help the unfortunate. Worship as you will. Keep an open mind. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Rules we have lived by. Ideas that built our nation. Your life of commitment to these simple but profound ideals has provided more prosperity for more people than at any other time in history. Living these bedrock truths is the strongest foundation for the future.
The simple fact is that America is getting older.
Middle Class Must Succeed
Who works harder than middle class folks? Who saves more? Who pays more taxes? Who volunteers more? When the going gets tough, who do they expect to help?
But if you’re like me, you’re not here to complain, but make things better. What should regular, middle class Americans, workers and retirees, do in times like these? Same thing as ever. Dig deeper. Try harder. And that starts at home. With you. Single or married. Kids or no kids.
The simple fact is that America is getting older: every day another 12,000 Baby Boomers turn 60, 65, 70. The “Greatest Generation” is in its 70s, 80s, and 90s. Poisonous rhetoric and slanted commentary about the “Me Generation” and the supposed self-centeredness of the Boomers are poisonously wrong. The truth is that 75% of Baby Boomers are right now caring for parents, have already done so, or expect to.
If your husband or wife is caring for you, almost half of the time your spouse will die first. And many more will die shortly after you do. Much sooner than expected. Skilled nursing home care, according to the State of Michigan, costs almost $9000 every month for the most basic care.
At this moment in history, America needs your example of middle-class success. Too many unfortunate young people have become disillusioned and hopeless, led astray by angry rhetoric and disinformation. LifePlanning™ embodies middle-class American values. We all win, one person, one family at a time.
Learning the Wrong Lesson
A terrible lesson has been accepted and taught by most planners and attorneys. Spend it down. Spend it all. You are not in control. You cannot choose. Your values are wrong. Nothing can be done. It is a counsel of despair.
But it does not have to be that way. The LifePlan™ approach keeps you in charge. Your life savings protected. Your life choices respected.
As with so many other things, though, the burden falls hardest on those who have worked and contributed the most.
Medicaid is the way America pays for long term care. As with so many other things, though, the burden falls hardest on those who have worked and contributed the most. No savings? No problem! Live life on a credit card? Medicaid is there for you. Work hard and save? Be frugal? Debt was dumb and savings were smart? Do the right things? Medicaid will not help until poverty. Until all your life’s efforts are wiped away.
But if you plan you can: Keep savings. Provide for loved ones. Receive at-home care. Participate in choosing a care facility if necessary. And still pay it forward.
You keep the cottage, the rental, the hunting land, your lifesavings.
Emergency Rules Mean Middle Class Safety
With COVID-19 expansion, you keep the cottage, the rental property, the hunting cabin, your lifesavings. And still get comprehensive, at-home care. You think it is too good to be true.
Dozens of other families thought so too. But they made the call. Folks just like you, except they picked up the phone. No co-pays, donut holes, or out of pocket expenses. Keep your income. Too good to be true! Not this time.
Elementary Education
1. Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly is PACE. You paid for PACE through your tax dollars. You stay at home through PACE goods and services. No nursing home or assisted living, until that is what you need.
2. COVID-19 puts extraordinary demand on long-term care facilities. Care at home does not.
3. Expansion of eligibility under COVID-19 means thousands more qualify.
4. Facts are free.
5. PACE means: Life Savings Protected. Life Choices Respected.
6. PACE is available now. No waiting list. Do you think that will be true next month? Into the fall and winter? Is there a better time to act?
7. PACE is not for everybody. But if it is for you and your loved one, it is a Godsend.
Core Curriculum
1. Over 55.
2. Medical Need. (We will help you determine).
3. Income Limits: If married, may adjust.
4. “Safe at home,” with assistance.
Many other families are already taking advantage of these new rules. Why not you? The call is free, the information is free, the results can be priceless.